[h1]LVAD: bridge to transplantation or 'destination therapy'[/ h1]
On Friday, November 8, 2013, patient association Harten Twee organizes in collaboration with LVAD.nl a conference on the developments and applications of the assisted heart, the LVAD (Left Ventricular Assist Device).
The conference consists of two parts. In the morning it is mainly about the development and technique of the LVAD, the medical care and the practice of living with an LVAD. In the afternoon various speakers from the different hospitals that use the LVAD will present their vision and experiences. The conclusion will be through an active forum discussion about the use of the LVAD, as a bridge to transplantation or as 'destination therapy'.
This conference is intended for patients with an LVAD or those who qualify for it with their relatives and for professionals who (want to) have to deal with LVAD treatment, such as nurses, students, doctors, physiotherapists and other medical disciplines.
NVHVV accreditation has been granted for 5 points.
The location, where the congress will be held, is Woudschoten, conference center in Zeist.
Look for information on the website: www.hartentweecongres.nl
This congress is made possible in part thanks to the support and cooperation of the Heart Foundation, Hart&Vaatgroep, LVAD manufacturer Thoratec, UMC Utrecht, Erasmus MC Rotterdam and LUMC Leiden.
More and more people are entering a serious phase of heart failure where medication and other treatment methods no longer work sufficiently. So far, a heart transplant is the only way to survive. However, the number of donor hearts that are available is far from sufficient, and in many cases patients are not eligible because of other concomitant diseases. Nowadays there is the possibility to implant an LVAD. This assistive heart can be used to bridge the gap to a transplant, but also in cases where a transplant is not (yet) possible. This last option, 'destination therapy', has already been used in a few cases.
We hope to meet you during this congress, you can no longer register.
Henk Bakker, chairman of Hearts Two
Marion Verbraak, LVAD.nl