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Hearts Two organizes together with on November 8, 2013 in Zeist a conference about the support heart.

Good to know:

NVHVV has awarded 5 accreditation points

The speakers are prominent in the Netherlands in the field of heart transplantation or implantation of the LVAD:

Prof. RJM Klautz, LUMC Leiden and chairman of the LVAD Working Group

Drs. FZ Ramjankhan, cardio-thoracic surgeon UMC Utrecht

Drs. APWM Maat, cardio-thoracic surgeon Erasmus MC Rotterdam

Dr. HF Verwey, cardiologist LUMC Leiden

Dr. M. Dalinghaus, Pediatric cardiologist Erasmus MC Rotterdam

LVAD team UMC Utrecht

Heart Foundation with mrs. R. Abma-Schouten

Thoratec, LVAD manufacturer, Mr. M. Muller

And patients who talk about their experience with a LVAD.

Click here for the profiles of these speakers.

Purpose of the conference:

- current state of affairs and developments of the LVAD

- technique and care after implantation

- living with an LVAD

- application: bridging or final treatment?

Target audiences:

- patients with and without LVAD, relatives and other interested parties

- nurses, students and other medical personnel

- doctors, physiotherapists, social workers

NVHVV accreditation has been granted for 5 points.


The costs for this day are € 50 for professionals.

For non professionals € 25, -

Members of Hearts Two free.





The location is  Woudschoten, conference center in Zeist.

This conference is made possible in part thanks to the support and cooperation of LVAD manufacturer Thoratec, the Hartstichting / Hart & Vaatgroep, UMC Utrecht, Erasmus MC Rotterdam and LUMC Leiden.